White Gloss Labels are made of Paper; White BOPP labels are made of Plastic. White Gloss labels are paper-faced labels while BOPP labels are made of plastic. Because BOPP is made of plastic and not paper, BOPP is water and oil resistant. It is tear-resistant too, making it an excellent choice for uses that might get wet or messy or used outdoors. While the details of what BOPP is better suited for another article: BOPP stands for Biaxially Oriented PolyPropylene. In short, BOPP is essentially polypropylene that’s been stretched flat into a thin plastic film. BOPP is oriented with a system that stretches it in two directions. This is where the “ biaxially-oriented (BO)” part of BOPP comes from. At 4OVER4.COM, BOPP labels come standard in both white and clear, but chrome BOPP is also available as a special order. While white BOPP labels are more expensive than white gloss labels, they are a lot more durable, rugged, moisture resistant, product resistant, non-toxic, and food safe.
Written by Corey Thompson
Updated over a year ago