Will my printed job look exactly like it does on my computer monitor?
What kind of changes can I request to my proof?
What is SWOP?
What if my proof colors don't appear as they should? (ex: black appearing as green).
What does the red line on my proof mean?
RGB vs. CMYK? Understanding the 2 is critical.
Is blurriness on the proof normal or should I be concerned about the final product?
I saw my proof and want to change it, how can I do it?
I ordered a hard-copy proof. Do I have to return it?
How long does it usually take to receive an online proof? Is there any way to rush this time?
How do special characteristics appear on the proof? (ex: transparency or kraft paper).
Do I still need to approve proofs when reprinting an order?
Do I get some type of proof before my job is printed?
Can we order a hard copy proof for lenticular cards?
Can I send the hard copy proof via email?
Can I see a proof before my order is printed?
Can I request a change after I approve my proof?